Academic presentations by David Grumett

'Scriptural protection and healing in early Christian culture', Religion in Premodern Europe and the Mediterranean Unit, American Academy of Religion annual meeting, San Diego

‘Augustine in France’, Nineteenth Century Theology unit, AAR annual meeting, San Antonio
‘The stockperson as ruler and conspecific’, Faith, Scepticism, and Human–Animal Boundaries in Jewish and Christian Religious Cultures workshop, Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies, University of Hamburg

‘Distillation at the end of time’, Western Esotericism unit, AAR annual meeting, Denver

‘Origen, de Lubac, and the incorporation of the Word in Scripture’, Origen and Origen Reception seminar, AAR annual meeting, San Antonio
‘Religious scholarship as a means of improving farmed animal welfare’, Animals and Religion Unit roundtable, AAR annual meeting, San Antonio
‘De Lubac, Suárez and nouvelle théologie’, Christian Theology Seminar, Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge
‘The Eucharist: growing, baking, consuming, adoring’, Sarum College, Salisbury

‘Christian responses to spirits: medicine or poison?’, Religion and Popular Culture unit, AAR virtual annual meeting
'Farm animal ethics: reasons, approaches and themes', Glasgow University Philosophy Society
‘Food and Christian identities’, Body and Food Histories Group, University of Cambridge
‘Engaging US Churches with farmed animal welfare: insights from a UK collaborative research project’, Society for Christian Ethics annual meeting, Washington DC

‘De Lubac and the grace of Christ’, Christian Systematic Theology unit, AAR annual meeting, San Diego

'The world as Christ’s body: difficulties and opportunities', Fifth Yale Liturgy Conference: ‘Full of your Glory’: Liturgy, Cosmos, Creation, Yale University

‘Love for the world in Hannah Arendt’s Augustinian political philosophy’, Philosophy of Religion unit, AAR annual meeting, Boston
‘Christ, preservation and the Eucharist’, Christian Theology Seminar, Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge

‘Theological ethics and farm animal welfare’, Society for the Study of Christian Ethics annual conference, Westcott House, Cambridge
‘The Eucharist, participation and consumption’, Centre for Catholic Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen
'The future of practical theology: a Scottish university perspective', British and Irish Association for Practical Theology conference, University of Edinburgh

‘The Fourth Lateran Council, eucharistic reservation and Corpus Christi’, History of Christianity section, AAR annual meeting, Atlanta
‘Aristotelian ethics in farm animal welfare’, Centre for Rural Economy seminar, Newcastle University

'Pursuing the truth: Teilhard de Chardin and the Benedictine tradition', Saint Anselm College, Manchester, New Hampshire
‘Morals, faith and politics in the “religious slaughter” debate’, ESRC ‘Revisiting moral panics’ seminar series, Glasgow Caledonian University
'Christian asceticism and food poverty', Climate, Consumption and the Common Good seminar, CAFOD/King’s College London
‘Hobbes, Locke and the theological roots of liberalism’, Christian Ethics and Practical Theology Seminar, School of Divinity and Religious Studies, University of Aberdeen

‘Rethinking the “end of sacrifice” thesis’, Tierreich der Himmel : Anthropozoologische Aspekte in Kult und Kultur der spätantiken Welt colloquium, University of Konstanz
‘Mystery or doctrine? The body of Christ in the Eucharist’, Mediating mysteries, understanding liturgies: Leuven Encounters in Systematic Theology IX, University of Leuven
‘Jesus the Boy Teacher in Luke 2.41-51’, short paper, Society for the Study of Theology annual conference, University of Nottingham

« Revouvellement des relations politiques, économiques et sociales », Défis anthropologiques d'aujourd’hui conference, Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome
‘De Lubac, grace and the pure nature debate’, Systematic Theology Seminar, School of Divinity and Religious Studies, University of Aberdeen
‘Transforming eucharist: liturgy, doctrine, ontology’, Christian Theology Seminar, Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge
‘Eucharistic epicleses, modern and Mopsuestian’, short paper, SST annual conference, University of York

'Retrieving Christ's body from de Lubac's Corpus Mysticum', Christian Systematic Theology section, AAR annual meeting, San Francisco
'Eucharistic substance: exceptional or exemplary?', Centre for Catholic Studies seminar, University of Durham
‘De Lubac, exegesis and doctrine’, short paper, SST annual conference, University of York

‘De Lubac, Pure Land Buddhism and Catholicism’, Department of Theology and Religious Studies seminar, University of Bristol
‘Teilhard's Christian metaphysics and politics’, Teilhard for a New Generation conference plenary lecture, Jesuit School of Theology, Santa Clara University
‘Eating and believing: food in Christian spirituality’, Center for Catholic Thought and Culture lecture, University of San Diego
‘Rethinking animals, food and religion: resources from Christian tradition’, Department of Theology and Religious Studies seminar, University of San Diego
‘Christ the Lamb of God and the Christian doctrine of God’, Animals and Religion Consultation, AAR annual meeting, Atlanta
‘Political liberalism and moral liberalism: a clarification’, The Monotheistic Religions and the Human Liberties international symposium, Ovidius University of Constanţa
‘Blue in Marian representation’, short paper, SST annual conference, University of Manchester

‘Dynamics of Christian dietary abstinence’, Religion, Food, and Eating in North America seminar, AAR annual meeting, Montreal
‘Darwin, Teilhard and evolution’, Religious Responses to Darwinism conference, Ian Ramsey Centre, St Anne’s College, University of Oxford
‘Hegel at the Lambeth Conference’, Ecclesiological Investigations seminar paper, SST annual conference, Amersfoort
‘De Lubac, origins and theological anthropology’, Systematic Theology Seminar, Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge
‘Contemplating the vortex: natural theology after Darwin’, Theology after Darwin colloquium, Edinburgh
‘Food at Christian boundaries’ guest lecture, Department of Theology and Religious Studies study day, University of Leeds

'Eating and believing: the theological meanings of food’, Institute for Theology, Imagination and the Arts seminar, School of Divinity, University of St Andrews
‘Animal sacrifice as Christian ritual’, Religion and Ecology Group and Ritual Studies Group joint session, AAR annual meeting, Chicago
‘Creating humanity in a genetic age’, SophiaEuropa conference: Human Beings: Philosophical, Theological and Scientific Perspectives’, Castello di Gorizia
‘Christian rituals of animal sacrifice’, European Society for Philosophy of Religion biennial conference, University of Oslo
‘Maurice Blondel’s political theology’, short paper, SST annual conference, University of Durham
‘Henri de Lubac: a theological life’, Corpus Mysticum colloquium, Heythrop College, University of London

‘De Lubac, Christ, and the Buddha’, Roman Catholic Studies Group, AAR annual meeting, San Diego
‘The Hebrew Bible and Christian dietary practice’, short paper, SST annual conference, Girton College, University of Cambridge
‘Mosaic food rules in Christian dietary practice’, Vegetarianism as Spiritual Choice colloquium, University of Exeter

‘Towards a theology of matter’, Ian Ramsey Centre seminar, Oriel College, University of Oxford
‘Dining in the kingdom: food, community and place in Christian spiritual practice’, Emerging Geographies of Belief conference, University of Exeter
‘Blondel, the philosophy of action and liberation theology’, SophiaEuropa conference: Action Theories, Pontifical Salesian University, Rome
‘De Lubac, Christ, and the Buddha’, short paper, SST annual conference, University of Leeds
